About Us


In Loving Memory

Nathan Cagle

What a exceptional individual in Faith of Christianity and his love for our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. What a Husband to Mary Jane Cagle the love of his Life. What a Father too three wonderful young Ladies & grandchildren who he adored beyond this world. What a role model for not just me, but All Auctioneers. What a best friend, Nathan was very instrumental in teaching others especially a young me(Brandon) on how-to be the Best person I could be, as a auctioneer, and how one should follow God’s plan in life. I have never in my years on this earth meet a finer individual than Nathan Cagle, and this goes too in the Auction industry. His leadership skills were second to none and always thought of each consignor and customer as Family and that my friends is the Cagle Difference. It’s not about money but treating each other with respect and honesty and integrity. Although Nathan’s shoes on this earth will never be filled, but we strive to walk the path he paved for us. And just remember Nathan Cagle Sold It, Sold It, Sold It

Continuing The Cagle Tradition

Mary Jane

What a true example of a southern Lady. What a Christian. What a wife, to the Love of her life, Nathan Cagle. What a true second mother to me and who has always pushed me to be the best I can be. What a amazing grandmother to Nathan’s three wonderful daughters. The true definition of a Southern Lady. Mary Jane has been by Nathan’s side at the auction and right beside him, when he was at his worst with cancer. She is a true inspiration for all to follow, not only at the auction working, greeting customers & friends but always willing to help at anytime she could. I know this has been tough to keep clerking the auction and it means more than the world to me that she is still clerking with us after loosing Nathan. But their is no one else than Mary Jane I’d rather have up there. Maw, you’re simply the Best.


Continuing The Cagle Tradition

Len & Anita

Len & Anita McAlister have been in the auction business for many years as they have owned their own auction and have since retired. With their knowledge and leadership, each one of them represents a fine intricate piece in their contributions to Cagle Auction. Their sheer determination makes them outstanding folks, not just for the auction, but in all aspects in life. They have been with Nathan Cagle long before myself. Len works with customers to assure each customer gets their proper merchandise. He has a passion for toys, especially early Hot Wheels and other great vintage toys. It has always been a pleasure to have them, and we’re grateful to have them continue working with Cagle Auction and also having them as friends. Anita is our main clerk at our cashier center and also a fill in for the clerking on our Auction Flex program. She is a vital heartbeat to the team at Cagle Auction. She is a very family oriented person who loves her children and grandchildren. Also one might know she is an avid animal lover. She also has a passion for antiques & vintage kitchen utensils and has an extensive collection. Especially early stoneware mixing bowls, Fiesta being one that they really love.

Continuing The Cagle Tradition

Ann Thompson

Ann is an outstanding member of our auction team and always learning more about pottery and other fields of collectibles. She is currently our Liveauctioneers Live Bidding Clerk Specialist and does an amazing job. Ann has a vast knowledge of antiques as she has been collecting and restoring them as far back as childhood with her late mother and late aunt both of Jacksonville, Florida where Ann grew up. Her mother and aunt were in the antique business, and not only helped out with the business, but also attended auctions with them for years. She has a particular love of Chinoiserie, specifically blue and white,
porcelain Delftware and has aquired quite the collection over the years. She has been a great asset to Cagle Auction for the past five years and continues to be of great help to the company.


Continuing The Cagle Tradition

Belinda DiRienzo

Belinda is one of a kind. It’s not many times that one person comes on and just has the ability to understand how an auction runs. And let me tell you, she does just that. From the time she started with Cagle auction some years ago, she was one who listened and took the bull by the horns and has developed into an outstanding leader for Cagle Auction. She is our auction floor manager and is crucial to the flow of operation of items crossing the block. Simply outstanding personality and a pleasure to be around. Simply one of the Best in the business when it comes to a auction floor manager.

Continuing The Cagle Tradition


Jax, what a Fine Chocolate Lab that loves Southern Pottery & Duck Hunting. Jax is truly one of a kind, and a friend to everyone but can be guarding at times. He loves sitting with the stoneware and just looking at the different glazes they offer, he really took a liking to the JS Nash jug when I got back from Texas with it. The two year old nose can sniff out a good glaze through the thickest walls.

ricky standing in front of wall

Continuing The Cagle Tradition


Ricky has been a major part of Cagle Auction Company for the past 15 plus years and is our Auction Floor Manager and Shipping Specialist. Ricky’s dedication to Cagle Auction has been ever so prevalent and continues today. Ricky took some time away when Nathan Cagle passed away and understandably so as they were great friends and an amazing pair before Brandon Pratt came along. Ricky is a US Army Veteran and the proud father to an extremely intelligent daughter named “Abbey”. She has her sights on Georgia Tech and will be a first generation college student for their family. Georgia Tech will be beyond blessed to have her as any college will welcome her as an asset to the student body and as a dancer to their dance team. When you see Ricky, don’t hesitate to say Hi! It’s an absolute pleasure to have him back at Cagle Auction.